Monday, January 3, 2011

Consider it what?

So it's been quite a while since I've done a 'proper blog'. You know, a consistent witty column full of pictures and quirky stories and anecdotes. Sure, Facebook has sufficed for sharing the basic every day comings and goings, but you can only fill so many lines in a status message before a) it cuts you off or b) you bore everyone around you with your drama and deep wise revelations.
SOoo, after a long and stressful 2010, I'm welcoming in this New Year with a new perspective and a fancy schmancy new blog. Okay, maybe not so fancy, because I'm using all my mental compacities at the moment learning to use my new DROID. Why is it so difficult to just make a stinking phone call?! Anywho, the title comes from one of my very favorite Bible verses that speaks volumes to me because of its beautiful imagery.
"You will surely forget your trouble, recalling it only as waters gone by."~Job 11:16
Aah, water. I love the beach, LOVE the beach, people!! Despite the fact that I haven't surfed since before I gave birth to Firstborn Pensive Child, and the actual thought of laying bottom up on board or sand in a bathingsuit in for all the world to see terrifies the life out of me, I really do have a deep love affair with the open sea. However, as beautiful and tranquil as the ocean can be for vacationers like me, it can also wreak absolute havoc upon others when natural disasters occur.
The last few years seem as if our family has been hit with one figurative tsunami after another--health issues, job loss, financial struggles, I could go on and on. At times I felt our faith was just being pounded into the ground as we struggled to keep our heads above water. Many tearful and sleepless nights were spent crying out to God for wisdom and guidance. It seemed as if the water would never stop coming. But somewhere along the way, the waters resided. And at the moment, we are experiencing a time of peace and security. A moment to just exhale and find the perspective that we couldn't quite grasp during the storm.
Looking back, I believe that one of the clearest of the biggest lessons He challenged me with is found in a verse from James. "Consider it pure JOY, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds". Yikes. I can think of a lot of things in my life that bring me pure joy: a warm sunny day, my kids playing for an entire afternoon without injuring one another, you get the picture. Trials, however, are really nowhere on that list. So how in the world was I supposed to feel JOY while enduring such painful periods in my walk as a Believer?
The answer is found Philippians 4:13. "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." Really? It's that easy? But don't I need a stack of self-help books, and a group of besties to vent to over coffee, and Skype, so that I can still talk to my husband while he's on the other side of the world? Sure, those things help keep the sanity in tact. And they often provide wonderfully cushie band-aids to the wounds of your heart. But to really survive the floods of this world, you're going to need more than caffeine and gossip. Only Christ can offer the kind of strength we need during times of trials.
And here's the really cool part. The second part half of Nehemiah 8:10 tells us, "Do not grieve. For the JOY of the Lord is your strength." So let's interchange 'strength' for the word 'JOY' in James 1:2. "Consider it pure strength, whenever you face trials of many kinds." How awesome is that?! And what a way to puts trials into perspective. As a Christian, I can actually find a purpose to my trials, and that is to strengthen my Spiritual walk. To grow stronger in my faith in Christ Jesus.
Wow, what a challenge. I wish I could say that after experiencing so many trials, I find it easy to just get to the joy. Not so. I can say that my complaining has decreased, as is the time that I try to figure it all out myself before calling upon God. But each struggle is just that-- a struggle, and like every Believer I have to work to get to the joy. So, every day this New Year, through every 2:00am nebulizer treatment, every missed connecting flight, every paycheck bonus that doesn't come through, I am going to try my best to consider it joy and feel honored that my God cares enough about me to want to see our relationship grow. I hope you'll take on the same challenge. Welcome to 2011!


  1. "Consider it pure strength, whenever you face trials of many kinds." LOVE IT!!

  2. I have trouble sometimes finding joy even in the happy times. I always have thought of myself as a born pessimist, that I was just built that way. But I have learned through some recent Bible study that this is not what God wants for me. His desire is for me is joy, but I have to choose that and not dwell in the awful. I don't think that it means that I can't ever be down about anything, because sometime, some things in life just plain suck. BUT, it means that I don't have to be stuck down in the pit about it and that when I need help finding what is rit about what is going wrong, I have a God who can see the destination, and not just the single point in my journey.

    You are an amazing woman, friend, and I can't wait to hear more!

    I can't wait to

  3. And goodness I need to proofread! I hate autocorrect sometimes! Lol
